Sunday, August 29, 2010

Gallstones Natural Remedies

Do you suffer from gallstones? Natural remedies are an option for treatment so if you suffer from them, don’t let your physician talk you into gallbladder surgery until you look at these alternative strategies. If you are considering something natural then make sure you review your options with your doctor.

Eat a Diet for a Healthy Gall Bladder

While your gallbladder is inflamed it helps to avoid fat in your diet, or at least do your best to consume a lower fat diet. Also, eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and protein for vegetarian sources or lean meat sources such as chicken and turkey. Fresh fruit and vegetable juice also helps.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil

This is a classic remedy for gallstones that has some anecdotal evidence. The claim is that lemon juice and olive oil work together to dissolve and remove gallstones from your body. Whether or not it may work for you is something you will need to discuss with your doctor.

Dandelion Tea and Tincture

Dandelion is another possible remedy for gallstones. The best way to take it is either as a tea or a tincture. Since water and alcohol both dissolve different active ingredients from the herb, you can take both. This herb helps support liver and gallbladder function and can help keep your digestion system in working order. It also helps stimulate the production of bile which can help with gallstones.

Take Milk Thistle

Another natural remedy for gallstones is milk thistle. It is another herb that can help increase bile production. Bile is produced in the gallbladder and if bile flows, then the gallstones may leave the body. You can take milk thistle in capsule form. Just follow the package instructions.

Do you suffer from gallstones? For more information on how to treat gallstones naturally click here.
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Natural Remedies for Mosquito Bites

Though summer is winding down the mosquitoes are still out there and are still biting! They won’t be out for that much longer, but don’t let that fool you. Even if you wear bug repellent I bet you will still get bitten. 

Mosquito bites are one of those things that respond very well to natural remedies. There’s really no need to see a doctor unless you are highly allergic. Most people experience itching and a minor amount of swelling, but that’s about all. Here are the natural remedies for mosquito bites that I tend to use.

Aloe Vera

This is my all time favorite remedy for any kind of skin problem. It soothes itching and irritated skin practically with the first application. You can snip the aloe vera gel fresh from the plant or you can buy an ointment. It’s up to you.

Lavender Essential Oil

I love the way lavender smells and I also love the way it soothes my skin. The best way to use this is to either apply it right out of the bottle to the bite area. However, my favorite is to mix a few drops in with my aloe vera gel and apply when needed.

Oatmeal Bath

It helps to have some oatmeal bath products on hand just in case you get more mosquito bites than you can comfortably handle. Just follow the package instructions. If you don’t have the oatmeal bath on hand, just pour one cup of water over one tablespoon oatmeal. Let sit for about twenty minutes. Strain the oats out an apply the liquid to your bite. Or pour the liquid into your bath.

Do you want to try a ready made natural ointment? Wounded Warrior is an all natural product that can help sooth a variety of skin conditions such as poison ivy and mosquito bites.
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Natural Remedies for Parasites

Natural Remedies for Parasites

Do you have a problem with parasites in your body? Most of us don’t even know it if we do. The truth is, anyone can end up with parasites at any time and if left untreated it can wreak havoc on your body.

So, what happens is that the parasites eventually make you very sick. They steal the nutrition and food from your body. You may find that you are getting skinnier and sicker with nothing to show for it. Though you may feel you may need to lose a few pounds, this is NOT the way to do it.

I learned in my herbal studies that if you do have parasites, there are some natural things you can do to stop them. However, since having a parasitic infection can be dangerous, even deadly, I urge you to put yourself under a physician’s care. The information here is meant to be informative and doesn’t take the place of medical treatment.

Before you get started using these natural remedies for parasites, you will need to confirm if you have parasites or not. And if you do realize you have them, which ones do you have? Certain remedies may work better on some parasites than on others. Be sure to consult with your doctor.

Do a Detox

The very first thing you might want to consider is doing a detox diet. However, if you are really sick from your parasite infection, this may not be your best option. Consult with your doctor to determine if this is a good natural option for you.

Take Garlic

Garlic can be a powerful remedy against parasites. Eat 1-2 garlic cloves each day or take some garlic capsules. If you opt to take capsules, follow the instructions on the package or consult with your physician.

Black Walnut Tincture

Tincture made from black walnut can be a great ally against parasites. Follow the dosage instructions on the package. You will also want to consult with your physician and/or natural health professional. This herb is very strong and may not be for everyone.

Try Cloves

Most of us have cloves in the pantry, right? Well, you might want to give them a try for parasites. Chew 1-2 dried cloves each day or just simply cook with them whenever you get the chance. Be sure not to overdo it, though because cloves can irritate the stomach if taken in large doses.

As usual, you need to be under the care of a physician. Review these natural options with your doctor and use the treatment plan that works the best for you.

Do you think you might want to try to detox as a natural remedy for parasites? Click for info on the Definitive Detox Diet.
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Accept Yourself - When Not to do a Detox

My opinions on detoxing are a little complicated. For me, it depends on the motives for why people want to detox.
  • Do you think that your body is dirty?
  • Are you obsessed with purging your body of toxins?
  • Do you believe that all your health problems are caused by the toxins in your body?
If any of those are true - DO NOT do a detox. Your body image needs help. If you feed your body healthy foods, exercise, and take care of your skin then there is nothing wrong with you. Treating your body as if it is a waste dump is counterproductive and stressful.

I prescribe to the "Wise Woman" tradition that is advocated by Susun Weed. She believes that the human body is beautiful. When fed the right foods there is no reason why the body can't function optimally. She says that if you love yourself and your body, then you should focus on nourishment not hatred.

Approaching a detox from the standpoint of hatred is NOT a good idea. Also, anyone who is really sick should also not worry about detoxing. Even though people claim that it is purifying and will help your body, it won't - not in this case.

But I do believe that detoxing has it's place. I'll talk about that in the next post.

How do you help yourself if you suffer from these "self hate" symptoms? Learning how to find your true beauty is a very good start. This is where you learn to accept yourself for what you are. Only then can you make the changes you need to change your health.
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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Baking Soda Cures - What is it Good For?

In my last post I talked about baking soda and how it helped relieve the inflammation in my foot when I had a viral infection which enabled me to walk. Eventually the infection cleared because of my immune system, but I had to be carried around before the baking soda foot bath kicked in. Even at five this was fairly humiliating.

So I thought I would take some time to talk about baking soda and how you can use it as a natural remedy.

For Inflammation and Pain

The main way I use baking soda is to help relieve inflammation and pain. My favorite way to use it is to either put it in a foot bath (a few tablespoons) or in my bath water. It is a relaxing soak and I find that even though the warm water helps soak away soreness, the baking soda seems to enhance that action.

To Remove Buildup in Hair

Another way I like to use it is to help remove build up. Conditioner, dirt, chlorine, and styling products can clog up your hair shaft and make your hair look dull. Baking soda is a natural fix for this. If you feel that your hair needs a boost or that you have some impurities to get rid of on your scalp or in your hair, just mix a half a teaspoon of baking soda in with your shampoo and shampoo and rinse as usual. You can do this as often as you need to.

For Your Teeth

People have been known to use baking soda as a tooth polish but nowadays, there isn't really a need to do this. Natural toothpaste brands incorporate baking soda in their products as well as other ingredients that help your teeth. However, baking soda is good to use in a pinch. 
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Baking Soda and a Viral Foot Infection - Natural Remedies from Childhood

I've been using natural remedies for as long as I could remember thanks to my grandmother. I remember having a foot infection when I was a child that the doctor's could barely diagnose. They did - I had a viral infection. They didn't give me anything for it and told my parents to wait it out.
I didn't like that, and neither did my grandmother.

So, she decided to try doing a foot bath in warm water with some baking soda dissolved in it.
If I knew how to cuss (well actually I did, but maybe I'll talk more about that later, lol) I would probably have said, "Well I'll be damned". One foot bath was all it took. My foot was all better - well at least I could walk and eventually the infection did clear in full.

I've had little moments like this through my life thanks to my loved ones and the way they share their remedies and information with me. I'll share them all. This blog is highly personal and will also be very helpful. I'm an herbalist after all and I've been studying herbs and natural remedies pretty much all my life.
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